We are busy getting ready for the festive season here at Leicester Animal Aid. Ralph, the 9-year-old Husky would love to find his furrever home in time for Christmas
Saint James Church in Huncote see the return of the very popular Cantamici Choir who will perform a concert entitled ‘Christmas is Coming!’ on Saturday 3rd December at 7.30
Blaby District Council announced the reopening of Huncote Leisure Centre from 3:30pm on Monday 17 October. The reopening saw the return of customers for the first time since November 2021
HMC is a now a vibrant centre for many activities here in the village. These include: Girls and Boys Brigade (ages 4-18); Music Group; Community library
The Huncote Knitters will be having a stall at the Walking Market on Sunday 4 December from 10 am - 3 pm. This will be held at 121 Denman Lane
Once again the church will be taking part in the Walking Market on Sunday 4 December from 10 am - 3 pm. Please drop in to support us
At Huncote WI, we continue to enjoy our monthly meetings. Membership remains healthy at thirty-three. Members and visitors have been entertained by a wide variety of speakers and activities over the last year.
The church was very happy to be the venue for a book of condolence and minute’s silence following the death of Her Majesty the Queen
With autumn just around the corner a few laughs are just what the doctor ordered, so it was lovely to see such a fantastic turnout at the ‘birth’ of our latest production
If you have been thinking of adopting an animal, then consider contacting Leicester Animal Aid. We help cats and dogs when their owners are no longer able to care for them.