By the time you read this you will know if the weather allowed the library volunteers to hold the children’s book sale on the afternoon of 23rd October outside the library.

Littlethorpe floods Littlethorpe floods. Photo and video by Jackie Lesley https://the-journal.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/20231021_144941.mp4

The artist David Shrigley recently pulped 6000 copies of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code to create 1250 editions of George Orwell’s 1984 for an artwork called Pulped Fiction. Rather than a literary criticism of the book
Santa will be out doing the rounds of Littlethorpe again this Christmas, on the evenings of Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd December. Look out for more information on the route of each evening on the Winter Newsletter

A photo of the recent flooding across Station Road Littlethorpe following storm Babet. Please can I ask you all to consider sending in photographs - these will be used to expand our gallery of local photographs.

This month a group of NALT members travelled to Stratford-upon-Avon for a performance of Macbeth. It was a very modern production and we found the opening a little confusing as there was a female Banquo as well as a Queen Duncan and daughters, instead of King Duncan and sons.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Scarecrow Festival in September, whether you made a scarecrow, enjoyed a cream tea or a cake, had a go on the games or bought a raffle ticket. It made for a very successful event. Thanks too to those who helped on the day or donated cakes

The Summer Reading Challenge has ended, with 94 children signing up to read 6 books over the summer. The final count is still going on
If this edition of The Journal reaches you in time, don’t forget we are running the Littlethorpe Scarecrow Festival from 16th to 23rd September, with the theme All Things Royal.
We are running a Scarecrow Festival in September with a “Royalty” theme. You could create a scarecrow version of a member of the Royal Family; or you could go down the Disney Prince/Princess route