The Summer Reading Challenge is in full swing with plenty of children collecting stickers and prizes
Firstly, a sporting update – congratulations to all the Key Stage 2 children who competed at Saffron Lane Athletics Stadium.
It has been a particularly busy few weeks at The Pastures with children enjoying new topics across the school.
We are already heading towards Easter and the children are enjoying their new topics. EYFS children are comparing where they live with Africa
Our first unit of learning has now come to an end here at Red Hill Field and the children have really impressed us with the fantastic work they have produced.
We are having a busy half term in the run up to Christmas with lots of activities to enrich our curriculum. Year 3/4 children visited the New Walk Museum and Art Gallery in Leicester.
The artist David Shrigley recently pulped 6000 copies of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code to create 1250 editions of George Orwell’s 1984 for an artwork called Pulped Fiction. Rather than a literary criticism of the book
The Friends of Narborough Station were delighted to receive the news that the Ticket Office at the station would be remaining open.
The presentation to John Harrison, pictured on the front page, was made in recognition of his role as Chairman of FONS since its inception in 2017, but he has always been a railway man as can be seen from the information supplied by Guy Jackson.
A big welcome back to all of our children, it’s lovely to see everyone again after the summer break. We are also delighted to greet so many new families at Red Hill Field.