Enderby Community Library February 2023

Well, January has certainly been a busy month for the library. The first coffee morning of the year was well attended despite torrential rain. It was great to see our ‘old’ and hopefully some new friends enjoying a cuppa and home-baked cakes. By the time you’re reading this we will be looking forward to our next one on Saturday 11th March – and we have received loads of newly donated books which will be for sale at 50p each, so pop in and grab yourself a bargain and help support our library at the same time. There will also be the usual activities of tombola and raffle as well as personalised bookmarks available too. If you can’t wait until the next coffee morning, we always have a good offer of books for sale and our bookmarks can also be ordered at the library whenever we are open.

Our adult crafters met up and learned a new skill – marbling with paint. The results were tremendous. The group had a lot of fun as they produced some fabulous patterns. If you fancy joining in, the group meet monthly, and the next session is 7th March 2.30-4pm. You don’t need to be arty, just willing to have a go! Our other regular adult groups – Busy Hands which meets every Monday 2.30-4pm, Over 60’s games group which meets the first Wednesday of the month 2-4pm, and Adult Creative Writing which meets the last Saturday of the month – are thriving but are always looking for new members to welcome. If you would like to find out more just pop along to the group in question or into the library where our volunteers can tell you all about the activities on offer.

Following on from last year’s successful fund-raising event, the library volunteers hosted a January Quiz at the Civic Centre. Sixteen teams battled out six rounds of questions prepared by Geoff. It was a fiercely fought battle, aided in no small part by the liquid refreshments provided by the teams. It was a great evening of humour and fun. Thanks to Mel and her team who provided the much-needed ploughman’s supper to around 76 guests. The library also joined in with the Parish Council’s “January Jumble” and raised additional funds by selling refreshments and having a bric-a-brac table.

The library is proud to support our younger population and we held a Pre-school Playtime session where Mums and their pre-schoolers got together to play and craft. The next session is Wednesday 22nd February. Our older children are not to be left out though and we are running two activity sessions during February half term – Tuesday 21st and Friday 24th February. Check the library windows for further details.

The library has changed its opening hours! Following a public consultation, we are now opening Wednesday mornings 10am-12 noon. The library will close at 5pm rather than 6pm on both Wednesdays and Thursdays. The hours for Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays remain 2-6pm and Saturdays stay at 10-1pm. It’s hoped that by opening on Wednesday morning other groups can be established and additional users will be able to make use of the facilities.

You may be aware that the library is a designated warm space. Mindful of the double prong of both the rising costs of heating and also general cost of living, we’re looking to share money saving and cost-cutting tips with the community. So, if you have any great ideas, tips, hacks or practical advice in this area we’d love you to share them with us please. We’ll maintain your anonymity of course, but via our library notice boards we’ll present all the suggestions. Just pop into the library and let us know your top tips etc or post them through our letterbox on Townsend Road.

As you read the Journal, do you ever think about its history and how it all started? The library has been contacted by Douglas Maas who was the first editor of the Journal. He is putting together a review of the Journal, looking at key moments in its history during its early years and will present this in the library March 25th. Look out for more details in next month’s library Journal update.

And finally, the library is totally staffed by volunteers. Ordinary people who are extraordinary in their dedication and commitment to keep the library open and available to both groups and individuals in our community. We are always looking for additional help. If you fancy becoming part of the team, please pop into the library for a chat with one of the volunteers who can give you the details of what’s expected. No need for baking skills at all!