Enderby enjoyed its second Open Gardens event in June, organised by the Parish Council’s Events Working Party. The weather this year went from one extreme to the other with bright sunshine all day, unlike the constant rain that was experienced last year.
There was a variety of gardens for visitors to enjoy, all looking slightly different either due to new designs or because the event was earlier. The gardeners were pleased to welcome so many local residents into their gardens to have a potter round and a chat. Everyone commented on the positive atmosphere and enjoyed the opportunity to meet new people from the Village.
Several visitors expressed an interest in opening their gardens next year. The 2024 event is currently under discussion. Anyone who is interested in opening their garden next year is encouraged to register their interest with the Parish Office and once the event is agreed, the organisers will ensure those interested are kept informed of the event details. Tel: 0116 2753711 or email: clerk@enderbyparish.org.
The Events Working Party would like to thank everyone who opened their garden on the day, all the volunteers who supported the event, baked cakes and particularly all the people who attended. The admission money raised went towards outdoor games equipment for use at future events and the proceeds of the refreshments were donated to the Enderby Community Library.
© The Journal 2023