Enderby Twinning Association

We had a very positive AGM meeting in September where the committee was re-elected. In the General meeting which followed we discussed our trip to Le Haillan, planned for April 2023 and a possible gift we could take to our friends in Le Haillan. We also discussed possible social events in the light of a very successful BBQ a couple of our members held in July for us all. Local library events were announced and everyone felt it was important to support these local events.

If you think you might like to join the Association, please come along to a meeting or event or contact Barbara. Our meetings start at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of alternate months at the Civic centre. The next one is on Tuesday November 1st. Please ring 0116 2848514 or email barbara.spence19@googlemail.com for information. Online we can be found at www.enderbyparish.org.uk. Click on the drop down menu and find us under Community.