Hotel and offices coming to Everards Meadows

One of the most popular destinations in Blaby District is set to expand its offering, following the approval of a hotel and office block at Everards Meadows.

Councillors at the most recent Planning Committee meeting approved the outline plans from Everards for the next phase of the Everards Meadows development.

The hotel will have a maximum of 120 rooms with associated parking facilities, and over 9000 square metres of new office space will be created with its own parking area.

Whilst outline approval has been granted for the proposal, many of the detailed elements of the development are still to be determined and approved by Blaby District Council. This includes the final distribution of the development, mix of building types and sizes, appearance, and landscaping.

Officers have also worked with the applicants Everards and the County Council’s Highways Department to ensure that the proposal will mitigate any impacts on the highways network.

All employees who work in the new buildings will be offered a six-month, fully paid bus pass to encourage use of public transport.

The popular Everards Meadows is currently home to the Everards Beer Hall, Rutland Cycling and Jennos Coffee House. It also has more than 70 acres of open space and is the gateway for walking and cycling routes into Leicester city and towards the river soar.

Visitors have flocked to the location since it first opened in 2019 and it has become one of the best loved tourist attractions in Blaby District.