The library is looking forward to returning to normal this year and is busy planning some events to help replenish our funds. We are looking for volunteers to help with the planning and running of the events such as the summer and winter Fayres, book sales and Quiz nights.
Both groups held at the library are now running again as normal and welcome anyone to join them. Busy Hands and Minds is a social group for those members of the community who want to meet for a cup of tea or coffee and engage in a social activity, game or craft (every 1st and 3rd Friday at 2pm). Keep an eye out for their colourful displays outside the library. Digital Drop-In is for anyone who wants to improve their digital skills whether on a mobile phone, iPad/tablet, laptop or computer (Weds 10.30-12.30).
You can research your family history at the library by using the free internet search programmes on the public PCs. There is usually a volunteer in the library on Wednesdays from 5.30pm willing to help you with your searches.
If you would like to start or run a group at the library, when it is not open for book borrowing, please get in touch. Located in the centre of the village it is a very convenient location for all of the community to get to.
Please can anyone who purchased a Quiz ticket for the Quiz in 2020, which was cancelled, please contact the library so that the ticket can be transferred to the Quiz planned for this year. Keep an eye out for the posters.
Despite the inconvenience caused by the scaffolding at the library last month we are pleased to say that we now have a new roof to the store/kitchen and a much safer library roof.
Reminder: The library offers printing facilities but if you do need important documents printing please don’t leave it until the last minute to get things done, especially if you are not a library card holder.
Contact: or call 01163053706 during opening hours.
© The Journal 2023