Narborough & Littlethorpe WI held their first meeting of the year in January which was a social evening with a fish & chip supper; this was thoroughly enjoyed by all! It was great to be able to socialise again in a nearly normal way.
At the February meeting our speaker was Wendy Martin who told us about her experience of dealing with the midges of Scotland and walking the 95 mile West Highland Way after having had a hip replacement a few months earlier. She completed the walk with other members of her walking group and was able to make a donation to the charity Send a Cow, having been sponsored to make her walk.
Our skittles team have been very successful this year and, at the time of writing, are looking forward to competing against Gilmorton in the final! Watch this space!
At our next two meetings we will be hearing about TV quiz shows and Colin Dexter and Inspector Morse. It’s good to have “normal” meetings again.
We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (not December) at 7.30pm in St Pius X church hall, Narborough, please feel free to come along, a warm welcome awaits you!
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