News from FONS November 2023

The Friends of Narborough Station were delighted to receive the news that the Ticket Office at the station would be remaining open.

John Harrison on behalf of FONS told The Journal, “This is a victory for common sense and I would like to thank everyone who supported our campaign, to keep our Ticket Office at Narborough open. Nationally there were 750,000 responses, of which 99% were in favour of keeping the facilities as they are”.

FONS were grateful to Alberto Costa, our MP, for his support throughout the process over many months, which included a high level meeting with East Midlands Railway who had been charged with actioning the closure. The campaign also received support from Blaby District Council and Narborough Parish Council, as well as many local residents and users of the station. John added that he was grateful to all those who came along and commented, at our joint RMT/FONS demo at the station on 18th July 2023.

FONS is always on the look out for new members to join them. You do not have to be a train spotter or railway enthusiast, although that can help, just someone who is community minded and cares about our wonderful station. You can contribute as much time as you have available. Please check out the FONS website or give John a ring on 0116 2750730.