Thursday 2nd March was an extremely sad day when I received the news that my dear friend Jackie Dickinson had passed away following a short illness.
Many of you will remember Jackie as representing Enderby for some 20 years as County, District and Parish Councillor. Jackie was also elected Chairman of County Council from 2011 to 2012. Her legacy to Enderby will remain in her numerous achievements including:- identifying a site, then bringing together relevant people to build “A place to grow” for people with limited mobility and to aid mental health recovery, which became a very productive and peaceful place for everyone.
Jackie worked tirelessly with the Motorway Action Group for Enderby and Narborough (MAG) and the Residents therein for over 16 years, in their battle with Highways England and the Government, to provide environmental barriers along a stretch of the M1 Motorway adjacent to their homes. The objective being to protect Residents from the incessant noise and ever increasing air pollution levels. The battle for barriers was eventually won and their installation was completed in January 2016.
Together we achieved the MAG Group aim:- “To improve the quality of life for Residents living close to the M1 Motorway where there were identified noise and air quality problems”.
The legacy Jackie left for the Residents of Enderby and Narborough will Iive on. A vibrant, remarkable Lady, and true friend who will be greatly missed.
Mich Bingham (MAG)
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