Firstly, a sporting update – congratulations to all the Key Stage 2 children who competed at Saffron Lane Athletics Stadium. Over the year, many children have represented The Pastures showing amazing skill, determination and sportsmanship. We are so proud of you all! Our School Games Morning was blessed with perfect weather and the children enjoyed competing in a range of different activities with Centaur the winning team in EYFS/Key Stage 1, and Phoenix in Key Stage 2. Congratulations to all the children and family members for their wonderful support. Our first ever ‘Coloured Fun Run’ raised over £550 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Children and adults could walk or run around the field while staff had opportunities to douse them in different-coloured natural powders. A colourful spectacle indeed – thank you to everyone who participated and made it such a success!
It was the time of year when everyone enjoyed a trip or two. Years 1 and 2 visited the Botanical Gardens to find out more about plants while Years 3 and 4 visited the Richard III centre as part of their history topic. The whole school enjoyed a trip to Conkers in the National Forest, experiencing a range of indoor and outdoor activities including the Activity Trail, Barefoot Walk, Enchanted Forest Play Zone and Conkerchoo Train. Year 6 had an action-packed residential at High Adventure Outdoor Education Centre in the Yorkshire Dales. Activities included archery, canoeing, zip wire, caving and stream scrambling. Many thanks to all the High Adventure and Pastures staff for making it such a fantastic experience for all the children.
Year 5 and 6’s end of year performance: ‘I’m an 11 year old….Get Me Out of Here’ told the story of the wild and weird things experienced by 11 year olds, their teachers and parents. Congratulations to all the children and staff for providing such wonderful entertainment!
The Summer Fair had its usual range of activities and stalls including the children’s ‘Enterprise’ ventures which raised money by selling hand-made products and other activities. The highlight of the fair was ‘Pastures Got Talent’. Congratulations to all our finalists but particularly to the winning act, Santi, for his wonderful piano playing. Many thanks to the staff for all their hard work and to everyone who attended, helping us raise approximately £3,500!
In our Leavers’ Assembly, we said a sad farewell to the year 6s. They shared the highlights of their time at The Pastures, and we wished them good luck at their new schools. We also said goodbye to Miss Geary, Miss Jackson, Mrs Twigg, Miss Munder and Miss Makhani who are all moving on to new ventures and challenges. We wish you all the very best of luck!
Finally, at the end of another busy academic year, we would like to thank all our parents, and other family and friends, for their continued support. Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing the children back in school on Tuesday 29th August.
© The Journal 2023