Staff and children alike returned to school keen to share their summer holiday memories whether home or abroad. For many, the highlight was watching The Olympics in Paris and celebrating the 65 gold, silver and bronze medals the Great Britain team brought home (not forgetting the Paralympics athletes who won an amazing 124 medals). Miss Escott’s highlight was obviously her wedding day, and we were delighted to welcome her back in the form of Mrs Gardiner! We also welcomed Miss Smith who is working in preschool.
In EYFS there are 41 new children; they have all settled well and are growing in confidence. They are finding out more about themselves including how their bodies work and their emotions. Children in Years 1 & 2 are reading lots of fairy tales in literacy and finding out all about plants in science. Years 3 & 4 are taking a step back in time to find out about battles and conflicts while in science learning out about rocks, soils and fossils. Years 5 & 6 are investigating World War II and were lucky enough to visit Cosby Victory Show in the first week back. Their learning was linked to our school values – being curious and finding out about those who showed tremendous courage. It will be another busy year for everyone filled with learning, laughter and plenty of exciting experiences.
Finally, a word of thanks to our premises officer, Mr Fisher, as well as the cleaners and others who have been busy throughout the summer, improving our school. We really appreciate your hard work and school is looking great!
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