Red Hill Field Review March 2023

Here at Red Hill Field we love books and celebrate reading all year round and World Book Day always gives us the chance to discover new stories. This year we focused our day on the book ‘Maybe’ by Kobi Yamada. All children were immersed in a variety of activities linked to the book. March is also the month where we celebrate Red Nose Day and fundraise for Comic Relief. Children were encouraged to wear bright and patterned clothes in exchange for a donation and we also raised lots of funds with an after-school cake sale.

It has been a delight to welcome parents back into school for class assemblies and celebration assemblies. We have also hosted two phonics workshops for parents of our younger children, discussing how these are taught in class.

Children across the school have enjoyed several trips over the last few weeks, starting with a visit to the Childhood Museum at Sudbury Hall for those in Foundation and Year 1. They had a fantastic time learning about Toys from the past as part of their ‘History of Toys’ topic.

Our Year 2 children then got to experience their much-awaited ‘Teddies on Tour’ residential trip to Beaumanor Hall where they had a wonderful overnight stay taking part in pirate-themed adventures.

We are now looking forward to the Year 4 residential trip to Derbyshire at the end of the month where the children will stay for two nights and get to experience a full range of outdoor activities.