Our first unit of learning has now come to an end here at Red Hill Field and the children have really impressed us with the fantastic work they have produced. We have travelled to space and back in time to the Romans. We have unleashed our creative skills with the help of Henri Matisse and Leonardo Da Vinci. Our hall walls are brimming with examples of the brilliant work. We were delighted to welcome author Emily-Jane Clarke and The Children’s Laureate Joseph Coelho into school where they inspired the children with their love of reading.
If you’re looking for a school place for your child for next year, why not come along and see it all at our final open day on Tuesday 28th November – call the office to book your place.
Our families have been very generous in supporting the Royal British Legion with our poppy sales which have been led by our school wellbeing ambassadors. We have also raised valuable funds for Children in Need with children wearing spotty clothes in exchange for a donation. Our school council arranged a very popular and delicious bake sale to raise funds for Children in Need.
We now have lots of exciting Christmas activities to look forward to at Red Hill Field starting with our much-anticipated Festive Forest on Friday 8th December. Following the success of last year’s event, the plans for this year are even bigger and better! This event is open to all residents, and you will get the chance to view our beautiful tree trail and enjoy festive refreshments.
For our pantomime trip this year, we will be watching Jack and The Beanstalk at DeMontfort Hall. We hope everyone will enjoy this festive production, a great way to end the term and enjoy the Christmas season!
© The Journal 2023