St James Church July 2022

Thank you to all those who joined us for our Platinum Jubilee service on Saturday morning 4 June and to all the groups who took part in the colourful displays inside church. A few photographs of the occasion are included with this report.

On Saturday 23 July we will be celebrating the Patronal Festival of St James the Greater with a Sung Mass at 5 pm followed by refreshments in the Church Rooms. The Bishop of Richborough, the Right Reverend Norman Banks, will be the preacher. A warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us.

Earlier on Saturday 23 July from 9 am – 1 pm we have our annual Gift Day. During this time Fr Andrew and members of the congregation will be sitting outside the church and would be very happy to receive donations towards the ongoing maintenance of the church. Thank you to everyone who has supported the church so generously over the difficult last two years.