We need you, but do you need us?

Hello! What do you know about Narborough Congregational Church?

Do you know where we are? Because we are tucked away on School Lane, many Narborough residents are unaware where we are or even that we are still an active church very much “Open for business”. The Church usually has weekly Sunday services at 10am and Coffee Mornings every Thursday at 11am.

Perhaps you or your child uses or has used the Robjohns Hall in Narborough? (Our Hall is named after the Robjohns family, it not a spelling mistake!)

Did you know that this too is owned and run by Narborough Congregational Church? Both these buildings are still very much in use as is The Manse on the other side of the church building, also owned by The Church.

Our Hall is regularly used by Robjohns Nursery School, various children’s and adult groups and it can be hired by individuals for children’s parties. Our Manse has individual businesses running from rooms there, including people offering personal counselling. Income from the hire of these buildings helps towards the costs of our three buildings, two of which are listed.

As a church we are pleased we can offer a community facility for residents to hire and we have tried to offer other activities to help local people. In the past we have run and funded other groups including a Foodbank, Christians Against Poverty, and after-school clubs. Sadly due to people moving away from Narborough, health problems and general busyness, our numbers across all areas have declined and all these groups had to finish.

This church and its buildings and the people within, are still wanting to be active and maybe you can find friendship and activity within its ‘family’. Going forward, we don’t want to have to say, ‘sorry, it’s all now closed’ but the sad fact is, were the church to close for lack of a congregation, all the buildings would be closed.

Why not think again about coming to meet us? Come to a Sunday service or visit the Thursday Coffee morning. You can be sure of a warm welcome!

Helping to keep the church community alive will help preserve the facilities the wider community can hire and enjoy.

You will find our Church website at www.narboroughcongregational.org.uk