Close your eyes against the winter gloom,
Cold days and dark nights.
Turn – open your eyes:
Face the warm Spring days and lighter nights.
Smell the perfume of lilac in the air.
Observe the vast sea of bluebells in the woods.
Taste the wild garlic on your lips.
Glory at the primroses and elegant daffodils
Wearing their yellow petals like sunrays in the hedgerows.
Feel the soft breeze on your face.
See how it gently blows the blossom from the trees,
Falling like pink snow onto the ground,
Silent as a whisper.
Marvel at the lambs teetering at their mother’s feet,
Trying to match her stride.
See the hares in a distant ploughed field,
Boxing like Ali, vying for a mate.
Wait expectantly for the cuckoo call,
The woodpecker drumming
And the return of the majestic swifts, never landing.
Hear the sounds of the children on the village green,
Dancing, in step, around the maypole.
Rainbow- twisted ribbons, laughter and song.
Rejoice for Spring is here once more!
© The Journal 2023